  • 职  称:教授 (博士生导师)
  • 毕业学校:中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 (博士)
  • 电  话:029-81530806
  • 电子邮箱:clliutt@snnu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:功能碳材料;高分子材料


  长期从事碳材料与树脂基高分子材料的研究与开发,参与完成了通用级沥青碳纤维连续长丝,中间相沥青碳纤维、沥青基活性碳纤维、沥青基球状活性碳等国家和中科院重点项目。 先后主持完成国家某部项目“电化学电容器电极碳材料–酚醛基活性炭纤维的研制”、“耐烧蚀、隔热酚醛纤维的研制”、陕西省13115科技创新工程重大项目“高性能硼酚醛纤维的研制”、陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目“以高邻位酚醛树脂为前驱体熔纺法制备高度交联化酚醛纤维”和中国石油化工股份有限公司及洛阳分公司、陕西煤业化工集团有限责任公司、山东莱芜润达新材料有限公司和山西三元炭素有限责任公司等企业委托项目“脱油沥青制高附加值活性炭技术开发”、“煤系优质针状焦的研制”、“酚醛纤维模试”、“炭素功能材料的研制”,其中有3项在相关企业完成中试或工业化示范。在国内外重要学术期刊发表研究论文80余篇,申请中国发明专利36件,28件获授权。
  研究领域:1) 新型碳材料;2) 合成树脂基高分子材料;3) 煤焦油沥青和石油沥青的深加工利用。


1. Bo Zhang, Xiao-Shan Li, Chun-Ling Liu*, Zong-Huai Liu and Wen-Sheng Dong,Sn–Co nanoparticles encapsulated in grid-shell carbon spheres, applied as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 53586–53591.
2. Hao Gao, Chun-Ling Liu*, Yang Liu, Zong-Huai Liu, Wen-Sheng Dong, MoO2-loaded porous carbon hollow spheres as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 147, 218–224.
3. Chun-Ling Liu*, Yan Wang, Chen Zhang, Xiao-Shan Li, Wen-Sheng Dong, In situ synthesis of a-MoO3/graphene composites as anode materials for lithium ion battery, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 143, 1111–1118.
4. Yong-Gang Ying, Yan-Ping Pan, Rui Ren, Jiang-Min Dang, Chun-Ling Liu*, Effect of the molecular structure of phenolic novolac precursor resins on the properties of phenolic fibers, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 143, 455–460.
5. Yi-Hu Ke, Er-Tao Yang, Xin Liu, Chun-Ling Liu*, Wen-Sheng Dong, Preparation of porous carbons from non-metallic fractions of waste printed circuit boards by chemical and physical activation, New Carbon Materials, 2013, 28, 108–114.
6. Meng-Yuan Li, Yan Wang, Chun-Ling Liu*, Hao Gao, Wen-Sheng Dong, Iron oxide/carbon microsphere lithium-ion battery electrode with high capacity and good cycling stability, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 67, 187– 193.
7. Meng-Yuan Li, Yan Wang, Chun-Ling Liu*, Cheng Zhang, Wen-Sheng Dong, Synthesis of carbon/tin composite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159, A91-A97.
8. Meng-Yuan Li, Chun-Ling Liu*, Yan Wang, Wen-Sheng Dong, Simple synthesis of carbon/tin Oxide composite as anodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012, 158, A296-A301.
9. Meng-Yuan Li, Chun-Ling Liu*, Mei-Rong Shi, Wen-Sheng Dong, Nanostructure Sn–Co–C composite lithium ion battery electrode with unique stability and high electrochemical performance, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56, 3023–3028.
10. Wen-Fa Zhang, Chun-Ling Liu*, Yong-Gang Ying, Wen-Sheng Dong, The preparation and characterization of boron-containing phenolic fibers, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 121, 89–94.