李 楠
  • 职  称:副研究员
  • 毕业学校:中科院成都有机化学研究所(博士); 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校化学系 (博士后)
  • 电  话:029-81530856
  • 电子邮箱:nli@snnu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:不对称催化及生物正交化学


  2005年于内蒙古大学获理学学士学位;同年进入中国科学院成都有机化学研究所硕博连读,师从龚流柱教授从事不对称催化反应研究,于20107月获有机化学博士学位;20107-20131月在美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校Qing Lin教授课题组从事生物正交化学的博士后研究。曾获得2010年度“中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖学金”、2011年度“中国科学院百篇优秀博士论文奖”。先后在J. Am. Chem. Soc; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed; ACS Chemical Biology; Org. Biomol. Chem; Chem. Commun.等国际一流学术期刊上发表多篇论文。


1. Nan Li, Carlo P. Ramil, Reyna K. V. Lim, and Qing Lin*, A Genetically Encoded Alkyne Directs Palladium-Mediated Protein Labeling on Live Mammalian Cell Surface. ACS Chem. Biol., 2014, In Press.

2. Nan Li, Reyna K. V. Lim, Selvakumar Edwardraja, Qing Lin*, Copper-Free Sonogashira Cross-Coupling for Functionalization of Alkyne-Encoded Proteins in Aqueous Medium and in Bacterial Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011. 133. 15316-15319 (Highlighted in ChemBioChem. 2012, 13, 1728-1731).

3. Nan Li, Xiao-Hua Chen, Shi-Ming Zhou, Shi-Wei Luo, Jin Song, Lei Ren and Liu-Zhu Gong* Asymmetric Amplification in Phosphoric Acid Catalyzed Reactions. Angew Chem Int Ed., 2010, 49, 6378-6381. (Highlighted in Synfacts. 2010, 10, 1189-1189).

4. Nan Li, Jin Song, Xi-Feng Tu, Bin Liu, Xiao-Hua Chen and Liu-Zhu Gong*, Organocatalytic Asymmetric Intramolecular [3+2] Cycloaddition: A Straightforward Approach to Access Multiply Substituted Hexahydrochromeno[4,3-b]pyrrolidine Derivatives in High Optical Purity. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 2016-2019.

5. Nan Li, Xiao-Hua Chen, Jin Song, Shi-Wei Luo*, Wu Fan and Liu-Zhu Gong*, Highly Enantioselective Organocatalytic Biginelli and Biginelli-Like Condensations: Reversal of the Stereochemistry by Tuning the 3,3′-Disubstituents of Phosphoric Acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009. 131. 15301-15310.

6. Reyna K.V. Lim, Nan Li, Carlo P. Ramil and Qing Lin*, Fast and sequence-specific palladium-mediated cross-couping reaction identified from phage display. ACS Chem. Biol., 2014, 9, 2139-2148.

7. Gang Cheng, Reyna K. V. Lim, Nan Li, Qing Lin*, Storable Palladacycles for Selective Functionalization of Alkyne-Containing Proteins. Chem. Commun., 2013. 49. 6809-6811.

8. Avinash Muppidi, Hongtao Zhang, Francesca Curreli, Nan Li, Asim K. Debnath and Qing Lin*, Design of antiviral stapled peptides containing a biphenyl cross-linker. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2014, 24, 1748-1751.